Getting Started
Arcade Accounts
Key Storage

Key Storage

How can I see my keys?

Arcade Account keys are stored in browser local storage and can be checked at any point.

  1. Right click anywhere in the UI and click "Inspect":
Inspect Tab
  1. Click the double arrow in the top right and click "Application":
Application Tab
  1. Within "Application" navigate under "Storage". Click on "Local Storage" -> Select the url. You will then find the accounts under burner with all the sensitive key info:
Burners Tab

How can I change my keys?

Loot Survivor also supports key rotations, meaning if you feel that your private key may have been exposed you can generate a new one.

To create a new key for your Arcade Account there is an option in the Arcade Accounts screen in Loot Survivor, you must be connected to the master account:

Arcade Account Tab Tab