Getting Started

Getting Started On Testnet

Testnet Loot Survivor is the perfect place to practice and hone your skills without spending any LORDS or ETH on gas before playing on mainnet.

  • Free to play (testnet funds)
  • Bot protection removed: instant start
  • Gas paid in goerli eth
  • Not eligible for tournament prizes, LORDS rewards for top three places or collectible beasts

  1. Get a Starknet Wallet. Download ArgentX (opens in a new tab) or Braavos (opens in a new tab).

  2. Get some goerli eth from the Starknet faucet (opens in a new tab) (or ask in #⁠survivor-chat in discord)

  3. Change your wallet network to testnet

  4. Head to Loot Survivor (testnet) (opens in a new tab)

  5. Connect your wallet

  6. Mint Lords. You can either mint as part of the onboarding process (for players with no Arcade Account) or by minting in the game header.

  7. Create an Arcade Account

    • Initiates a transfer of 0.01 goerli ETH and a custom amount of LORDS based on the number of games you want to prefund with
    • Initiates three contract approvals
  8. Connect your new Arcade Account

  9. Choose your weapon and name your Adventurer

  10. Press 'PLAY WITH LORDS TOKENS' (these are test LORDS)

  11. Play